Malibu security


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At Malibu Security we know not everybody needs the same product or service, one size does not fit all. We understand how important it is to you that you receive personalised products and service, tailored to your individual needs. We are committed to providing you with the best possible solution for your particular situation

Since every application is customised and made to measure, the best way to get an accurate evaluation is to Contact Us so we can arrange a suitable time to meet with you and provide you with a free no obligation quote for manufacture and installation. This is also a great opportunity to ask our expert team any other questions you may have.

In short, the presence of a dog instantly makes your house less of a target than your neighbor without.

Putting an “alarmed home” signage in front of your house, continues the outward projection of risk to the potential burglar.

Ensuring hedges and shrubs around the house are kept trim and do not afford a “hiding place” for a potential burglar to hide during breaking and entering.

Lighting .. a well lit exterior in the evening hours (even if no motion detection is in place) is a low cost deterrent.

Installing an alarm system (I see other answers shared a number of technological solutions so I’ll pass on that).

Know your neighbors. Really know your neighbors, their schedule and their norms of activity … the “nosey” neighbor is a good thing (think Neighborhood Watch Programs).

Remember the purpose of securing your home is to keep unwanted guests out. It is also to deter unwanted guest from attempting to enter … when you raise the risk factor, you have transferred the risk to those who are not projecting security.

Practice what I Preach

Our street — 7 houses, 10 dogs, everyone knows everyone (including extended family) we talk to each other and every house has an alarm system. Multiple families have occupants which are home every day, all day (the neighborhood watchers). We call when a cougar, bear or coyote sightings occur, and we call when we see unexpected activity on our lane.

Dogs know the vehicles that belong and those which don’t. When the 10 dogs begin to talk to each other, we tend to listen. Have we had unwanted visitors at 2AM? - YES. Have they been detected? YES. When were they detected? As they walked down the street.

BONUS: Dogs are man’s best friend (an added benefit, and shelters are full of those needing a good home) they will guard you in exchange for love, affection and kibbles.

The time it takes for installations varies between 30 minutes and 1 hour for a security door installation, this is dependent on the type of product being installed.
A window grille typically takes 10-15 minutes to install. A fire exit window will take around 30 minutes to 1 hour

We prefer that you are at home when your screens and doors are being installed.

However it is not always a requirement some jobs can be done externally

Generally Speaking Though, Security Doors, Windows And Screens Usually Only Need A Wipe Down With A Soft Cloth And Mild Detergent To Keep Them Looking New.

Yes It Is Possible For You To Install The Screens Yourself If You Know How To Do This. However, We Do Not Provide Any Warranties For Products You Install Yourself. If We Manufacture To The Measurements You Give To Us, We Take No Responsibility For Any Product That Doesn’t Fit Or Function Properly If You Have Installed It Yourself.

Yes we do carry out maintenance work to make sure your screens keep functioning properly over their lifetime. We also stock a variety of accessories from our warehouse.

Some of the maintenance work we do includes:

Replacing rollers, locks and door closers

Supplying and installing pet screens

Supplying and installing pet doors

Supplying and installing glass door rollers and locks

Supplying and installing replacement tracking

Yes We Do We Have A Large Range Of Flyscreens
Standard Screens
Heavy Duty Screens
Fall Prevention Screens
All Of These Combinations Can Be In A Welded Frame As Well

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Still if you have any question please feel free to contact with us.

Malibu Security Doors & Screens is an Independent Manufacturer owned and operated by John & Marg De Graaf with the assistance of a highly skilled team of professionals. FAQS FAQS FAQS FAQS FAQS FAQS FAQS FAQS